Bostadshus i Kyttälä

Apartment house Kyttälä is situated in the center of Tampere and is formed by two buildings. The older one is from 1800s and the other from 1920s.

The biggest challenge was the steepness of the roof, which was 1 : 0,8 at the steepest. It made both moving on the roof dangerous and attaching the tiles more complex. Surprises started when demolishing the old tile roof. A steel roof was found instead of a bitumen underlayer. The old roof was so sealed that the structures underneath were decayed. Re-installing the tile roof became a re-building the whole roof. One thing worth mentioning was the amount of leading-ins. A very skilled and handy sheet-metal worker was needed to fix them all.

The contract included also the roof safety installations and abstraction of water from the roof. In some of the drainpipes heating cables were installed in order to keep the water running down also during the wintertime.

Area of the roofs: 1070 m2

Project: Apartment house Kyttälä

Location/Town: Tampere, Finland