Chairman of the Board since: 2020. Board member since: 2017. Chairman of the Remuneration Committee.

Chairman of the Board since: 2020. Board member since: 2017. Chairman of the Remuneration Committee.
Born: 1958.
Nationality: Swedish.
Education: Master of Science in Engineering from Lund University of Technology, Sweden.
Other assignments: Chairman of the board of directors of Nordisk Bergteknik AB, Sveviva AB, Xpartners Samhällsbyggnad AB and Constech AB. Member of the board of directors of BE Group AB, Bösarps Grus & Torrbruk AB, System Engineering Solutions 37 AB and Acrinova AB
Previous assignments: CEO of Bravida AB, CEO of Strabag Scandinavia AB and CEO of Peab Industri AB. +Member of the board of directors of Acando AB, Elda Acquisition AB, Paroc Oy, Ramirent Plc, BTH Bygg AB, KEWAB, AKEAB, Mark & Energibyggarna AB and Win Group AB.
Independent in relation to major shareholders: Yes.
Independent in relation to the Company: Yes.
No of shares in Nordic Waterproofing, own and closely related: 15,000.

Board member since: 2022. Member of the Audit Committee.

Board member since: 2022. Member of the Audit Committee.
Born: 1966.
Nationality: Swedish and Finnish
Education: Master’s degree (Master of Forestry) from Helsinki University, Finland. Bachelor’s degree (International relations) Beloit College, USA.
Other assignments: Chairman of the board of directors of Silvestica Green Forest AB Board member of Södra Skogsägarna ek för, Plantvation AB, A. Ahlström Oy and Svensk Husproduktion AB
Previous assignments: CEO of Flooré AB, Sveaskog AB and Setra Group AB, different senior executive positions within Holmen and Metsä Board.
Independent in relation to major shareholders: Yes.
Independent in relation to the Company: Yes.
Current share ownership in Nordic Waterproofing own and closely related: 0

Board member since: 2019. Member of the Remuneration Committee.

Board member since: 2019. Member of the Remuneration Committee.
Born in: 1967.
Nationality: Danish.
Education: Master of Business Economics at Copenhagen Business School, Building constructor at BTH, Copenhagen and various leadership courses (Harvard and IMD).
Other assignments: CEO of MT Højgaard Holding A/S, Chairman of the board of MB Packaging A/S, Frederikshøj Ejendomme A/S, EBK Huse A/S, Enemærke & Petersen A/S and MT Højgaard Danmark A/S, Board member of Durapor A/S
Previous assignments: Group CEO of Huscompagniet 2008-2019 as well as CEO/Senior Executive Vice President of NCC Denmark 1998-2008 Chairman of the board of Brøndum Holding A/S, DEKO A/S and Din ByggeRådgiver ApS, Vice chairman of Arkil Holding A/S.
Independent in relation to major shareholders: Yes.
Independent in relation to the Company: Yes.
No of shares in Nordic Waterproofing, own and closely related: 0.

Board member since: 2016. Chairwoman of the Audit Committee.

Board member since: 2016. Chairwoman of the Audit Committee.
Born in: 1957.
Nationality: Finnish.
Education: Master of Science in Accounting and ICT from Turku School of Economics and Business Administration, Finland.
Other assignments: Member of the Board of Directors, Chair of the Audit Committee and Member of the Risk Committee at OP Financial Group.
Previous assignments: Board member, Chair of the Audit Committee and member of the Remuneration Committee at HKScan Oyj, Executive Vice President and CFO of Uponor Oyj, Board member and Chair of the Audit Committee of Componenta Oyj, CFO of Kuusakoski Group, various managerial positions at Konecranes and ABB Finland.
Independent in relation to major shareholders: Yes.
Independent in relation to the Company: Yes.
No of shares in Nordic Waterproofing, own and closely related: 5,000.

Board member since: 2020. Member of the Remuneration Committee.

Board member since: 2020. Member of the Remuneration Committee.
Born: 1960.
Nationality: Finnish.
Education: Master’s degree from Helsinki School of Business, Finland.
Other assignments: Senior advisor Investment AB Latour in Finland. Owner and CEO of Sandbacka Advisory Services Oy.
Previous assignments: CEO Swegon Group AB 2013-2020. Senior positions in among other Munters, Huurre Group, TAC Swedish, Carrier Refigeration and Electrolux.
Independent in relation to major shareholders: Yes
Independent in relation to the Company: Yes.
Current share ownership in Nordic Waterproofing own and closely related: 0
Holdings as of September 30, 2022.